Bump Jumps

The PVC  Bump Jump can be used as stride regulators to aid the dog in finding his stride through a variable path.  This is used to get the dog to collect its stride before a jump.  Bump Jumps can also be used to train the broad jump.  The broad jump or long jump is made up of multiple bumps either in a hog back or ascending layout.  The number and width of the broad jump is defined in the AAC regulations.

Jump Bumps

Standard and Wing Jumps

Jumps, both Standard Jumps and Wing Jumps are the mainstay of a dog agility course.  Mastering the handling techniques for Jumps for both the handler and the agility dog is easily accomplished with varied setups.  Techniques such as front and rear crosses, serpentine, threadles, wraps and back side are achieved and perfected with simple setups and techniques.  The backyard training field will benefit from these lightweight yet strong PVC constructed jumps.  Snap on jump strips with cups at 1`increments are included.